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Research Briefs

institutional pressures hold women managers back

Institutional pressures hold women back on top management teams

RESEARCH BRIEF - While companies with women CEOs have lower representation of women in top management teams, this effect is lessened when women CEOs hold more power, boards are open to change, and industry growth is stronger.

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companies with strong financial and social performance

What do firms with strong social AND financial performance have in common?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies that perform better than average financially AND in terms of corporate citizenship tend to be larger and have large boards, a higher percentage of women on boards, and lower leverage.

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price promotion to improve cause marketing success

Try price promotions to improve cause marketing success

RESEARCH BRIEF - When used in a cause marketing setting, price promotions, such as discounts and offers for more of the same product for free increase donations.

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geographically diverse boards and strong CSR performance

Geographically diverse boards linked to stronger corporate citizenship performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with higher board geographical diversity have higher corporate citizenship performance.

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CSR in an economic crisis

Regulatory context is key to corporate social performance in an economic crisis

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms located in countries with established rules regarding CSR tend to perform better on corporate citizenship dimensions in an economic crisis, while firms located in more voluntary CSR contexts tend to perform worse.

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CSR and employee satisfaction

Corporate citizenship leads to happier and more committed employees

RESEARCH BRIEF - Employees with favorable perceptions of their organization's corporate citizenship tend to experience higher levels of self-efficacy, hope, and optimism about work.

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launching sustainable products

Authenticity counts when launching sustainable products

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies with an established reputation in corporate citizenship are more likely to achieve success with launching environmentally friendly or fair-trade products.

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CSR and financial performance

CSR enhances financial performance, especially in environmentally intensive industries

RESEARCH BRIEF - Corporate citizenship performance leads to improved financial performance, especially for firms in environmentally intensive industries that may be subject to elevated stakeholder scrutiny and requirements for transparency.

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storytelling and consumer trust

Storytelling improves consumer trust and engagement in corporate citizenship

RESEARCH BRIEF - Consumers are more engaged in and believing of corporate citizenship communications that have a narrative style and focus on individuals鈥攁nd are therefore less skeptical toward the initiatives they convey.

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csr and firm performance

CSR and firm performance: The essential role of risk and strategy alignment

RESEARCH BRIEF - CSR activities that align with the strategic vision and risk preferences of the firm can deliver better performance.

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partnerships drive innovation

Want environmental innovation? Partnerships increase your chances of success

RESEARCH BRIEF - Encourage collaboration with multiple stakeholder types to increase eco-innovation in your company.

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women on boards innovation

Women on boards and innovation: Tokenism is not enough

RESEARCH BRIEF - Gender diversity on boards yields innovation results when the number of women is representative rather than symbolic.

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