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Research Briefs


Adoption of environmental management systems has a positive impact on financial performance of fashion and textiles firms

This research looked at manufacturers and whether or not they had adopted ISO 14000. It was demonstrated that those who were certified in ISO 14000 had improved profitability from implementing cost-saving techniques.

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Organizational characteristics of a firm can influence the amount of philanthropic contributions

The organizational structure at the top levels of a company impacts corporate philanthropy, which affects business outcomes like reputation, consumer loyalty, and employee engagement. CEO tenure, board size and centrality, and the percentage of female board directors and senior managers all affect corporate philanthropy.

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To win over customers with lower cause involvement and brand loyalty, cause marketers should go local and be positive

To best engage consumers who are less involved and less personally invested in a cause, cause marketers should focus on local donations, the appearance of genuine concern, and positive messaging.

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Manager perception of citizenship activities and financial performance

Business leaders in U.S. firms believe that corporate citizenship activities have positive impacts on the firm—including positive contributions to financial performance—and that increased investment in corporate citizenship amplifies this effect.

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Corporate Sustainability Performance for Economic Performance

The study found advertising a company’s corporate sustainability performance has a positive effect on its economic performance.

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Socially responsible firms deliver more transparent and reliable financial information to investors

This study looks at the relationship between firms’ corporate social responsibility, their accounting and operating decisions, and the transparency of the financial information they provide. It found that more socially responsible firms were both more prudent in accounting and operating decisions and more transparent in financial reporting.

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Evaluating the role of voluntary programs vs. the threat of environmental regulation EPA policy levers: Carrot or stick?

This study looked at environmental regulation and the role of voluntary programs. Research found that voluntary commitments have little effect on emission reductions, while the threat of regulation does result in significant emission reductions.

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Board level corporate citizenship increases stakeholder engagement and financial performance.

Research suggests that board involvement in corporate citizenship activities results in increased engagement with customers, employees, and external stakeholders, as well as increased financial value.

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Building Trust in B2B Markets: The Role of Corporate Citizenship

Corporate citizenship fosters positive relationships between customer firms and supplier firms, increasing customer loyalty through trust and identification.

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Encouraging environmentalism at work: an investigation of employee attitudes toward sustainability

Employees are more likely to participate in sustainability activities at work if they identify with their company, and perceive strong organizational support for environmental efforts.

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Corporate Citizenship can mitigate Idiosyncratic Risk

Corporate citizenship can act as insurance against risks faced by individual firms, which may allow managers to pursue a wider array of strategic opportunities.

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Knowledge is power—to make good environmental decisions

The more information business leaders are provided about environmental impacts, including the short and long-term effects of the decision, the more they consider those impacts during the decision-making process.

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