Admitted Students

Congratulations on being accepted to the Boston College Experience. Below, you will find information you will need before starting our program.

What to Bring

Use this checklist to make sure you have everything you need for BCE.

How to Pay

Payment for our programs is due in full within two weeks of receiving your decision.


Learn more about BCE's policies and expectations for residential students.

BCE Handbook

Download the BCE Handbook which includes information on program policies, campus resources, and life on campus.

Additional Program Details

Please Note: Unfortunately, the use of the Connell Recreation Center is subject to rules and regulations pertaining to use by minors, which makes it unavailable for BCE participants outside of the designated space rented by BCE. This is indisputable. The program will be renting basketball and/or tennis courts for students to use on designated dates and times. Students can also work-out by running on natural routes in/around campus (e.g. Chestnut Hill Reservoir).

Boston College reserves the right to amend and supplement the rules and regulations governing participation in the Boston College Experience.

Living on a college campus, away from family and friends all things familiar, is a new experience for many students. It is important that all students in the BCE Program understand the conduct expected of members of the community by Boston College and specifically the policies of the Boston College Experience.

Please take the time to read ourProgram Policies & Expectations (above) with your student so that everyone in the program can have a safe and enjoyable experience. Please note that failure to abide by program policies may result in the immediate removal of a student without refund, particularly in matters related to the safety of students including but not limited to the use or presence of alcohol and/or drugs.Additionally, violations of the policy are not reserved only for activities individual participate in themselves, but awareness of violations occurring that are not reported to the BCE staff in a timely manner. We will always do our very best to protect confidentiality, but in the end, safety of every member of the community must always come first.

The BCE program will always provide a variety of optional, extra-curricular activities for students to choose from during non-class times. These activities are included as part of the student's program fee * and will be shared with them via sign-up boards in the Residence Hall and a weekly student newsletter sent all students via email. However, it is the students' responsibility sign up for those optional activities.

This is a Pre-College Program not an overnight camp. It is meant to introduce students to college life in a safe and supportive environment. Part of the transition to college life is learning to manage one's personal time. As such, the BCE Staff does not plan every moment of the student's day while they are in the program.

*Commuter students do not have access to evening activities that take place in the Residence Halls

Safety and Supervision

Boston College has a policy on the Protection of Minors, which establishes guidelines and procedures to promote the protection of minors who participate in university programs. All individuals involved with this program must participate in annual training on the Protection of Minors Policy. In addition, all program staff are required to participate in background checks.

International applicants must submit a TOEFL or IELTs score, if English is your second language. You should have an English proficiency demonstrated by a minimum TOEFL (English level) score of 577 (written), 100 (computer) 90 (iBT), or 6.5 (IELTS). The TOEFL code for Boston College is: 3276. The TOEFL or IELTS score may not be substituted by other standardized test scores such as the PSAT and SAT.

International students currently studying, for at least two years, at a school where the primary language of instruction is in English may request a waiver from the TOEFL requirement. You must submit a school transcript that clearly states that English is the primary language of instruction.

Two-Week Non-Credit Courses

Boston College does not issue student visa for non-credit programs. International students should enter the United States in a visitor status instead of F-1 student status. For citizens of countries requiring a visa to enter the U.S., participants should obtain a B-2 “Visitor for Pleasure” visa to come to the U.S., which allows you to engage in tourist-related plans as well as to participate in these programs. Citizens of countries who enjoy the benefits of the Visa Waiver Program should enter the U.S. in WT “Waiver Tourist” status, which permits the same activity.

Health Insurance & Vaccinations

International students must provide proof of health insurance before the program begins, and coverage must be a U.S. based health insurance policy. Please note: We cannot let students into the program without appropriate vaccinations under any circumstance.

Compass Student Insurance is an independent insurance broker and enrollment specialist, partnering with insurance companies and other service providers.

Security Precautions

All courses are password protected and behind a firewall.

Campus AccessStudents in Psychiatry & TikTok Generation and Applied Neuropsychology will have only virtual access to the Boston College Library; online/asynchronous students are not allowed on the physical campus this summer under any circumstances.

Participant Credentials

Students participating in the BC Two-Week Non-Credit Program will receive credentials (BC Eagle ID number and BC Username) from the BCE Program office shortly after confirmation of intent to enroll with instructions on how to activate their BC profile.

Asynchronous Online Learning: Description and Expectations

The Two-Week Non-Credit courses Applied Neuropsychology and Psychiatry & TikTok Generation are offered fully online in an asynchronous format.

Asynchronous learning is not the same as the remote learning you may have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will not be expected to meet in a Zoom classroom every day at a specific time for a live streaming class. In an online asynchronous learning environment, the"classroom" will be the Canvas Learning Management Platform. Students will engage with the faculty, other classmates, and the materials on your own time, while meeting specific deadlines.

Asynchronous learning doesn't mean you are not expected to participate every single day!

Students in the Psychiatry & the TikTok Generation and Applied Neuropsychology will have assignments due each day (i.e., required readings, viewings, discussion board participation, etc). Detailed instructions for completion of these assignments, including relevant resources and links, will be provided daily by faculty through the Canvas Learning Platform. You will receive access to the learning platform shortly before the course begins.

Students should expect to dedicate about 2–3 hours per day to engaging with course materials and completing the tasks as assigned by the faculty. Please refer to the specific course for details.

Remember, just because you may not be expected to log in at a specific time each day you are still expected to log in daily. Students may also be required to collaborate for group work. The amount of group work will be dependent upon the specific course.Please refer to the specific course of interest for details on optional live sessions and course expectations.

All admitted students will receive a notification in the Student Portal to fill out the following forms.

Students admitted to Psychiatry of the TikTok Generation and Applied Neuropsychology must fill out the following forms:

  • BCE Emergency Contact Form
  • BCE Waiver & Consent
  • BCE Handbook Acknowledgment

Students admitted to the Two-Week Non-Credit In-Person Courses must fill out the following Forms:

  • BCE Emergency Contact Form
  • BCE Immunization & Medical Consent Form
  • BCE Over the Counter Authorization, Consent & Waiver Form
  • BCE Participant Consent Form
  • BCE Self-Administration of Prescription MedicationMeningitis Waiver
  • TB Questionnaire
  • BCE Handbook Acknowledgment
  • Roommate Questionnaire
  • BCE Move-In and Move-Out Form

Form Due Dates:

  • Session 1: Monday, June 3, 2024
  • Session 2: Monday, June 10, 2024
  • Session 3: Monday, June 17, 2024