Fostering Belonging

portrait of Erik W. Carter

Overview of the Presentation

Erik W. Carter offers ten elements of belonging: to be present, invited, welcomed, known, accepted, supported, cared for, befriended, needed, and loved. Focused on moving from barriers to inclusion of persons with special needs in a faith community, Carter provides an inventory through which any faith-based community—parish, school, classroom, committee—can evaluate itself on how it engenders a sense of belonging. Carter also offers many concrete strategies for inclusion.

Erik W. Carter offers ten elements of belonging: to be present, invited, welcomed, known, accepted, supported, cared for, befriended, needed, and loved. Focused on moving from barriers to inclusion of persons with special needs in a faith community, Carter provides an inventory through which any faith-based community—parish, school, classroom, committee—can evaluate itself on how it engenders a sense of belonging. Carter also offers many concrete strategies for inclusion.

isCornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Special Education, Vanderbilt University

Using this Resource

This resource is a guide to using an STM Online: Encore presentation as a conversation starter with members of a faith community. Each part of the presentation may be used separately, in combination with each other, or in a sequence over a period of time. The general nature of “Fostering Belonging” gives it broad application and makes it an excellent choice for a variety of groups. For example, consider using one or several of the segments with a parish council, a hospitality committee, catechists, Catholic school faculty, and high school religion classes. If you are looking for a service opportunity for a high school confirmation class, consider leading a discussion around Parts 3 and 5, and commit to implementing one recommendation to enhance belonging in the community.