Faculty Activities
Jeffrey Bloechl
- ?“For the Dead and Those about to Die. Phenomenology and the Mortality of the Other Person,” online invited lecture for University of Vienna, May 20 [2022].
David Johnson
- Book Panel on Watsuji on Nature: Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger. Comparative and Continental Philosophy Conference, Tallinn, Estonia (forthcoming May 12-14, 2022)?
- Book Panel on Watsuji on Nature: Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger. European Network of Japanese Philosophy Conference, Budapest, Hungary (February 2, 2022)?
- “Being and Knowing: Between Self and No-Self” (Symposium with L.A. Paul and D. Tomlinson), American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting 2022
Stanley Uche Anozie
- End-of-the-year lecture at the Centre for Hermeneutic Studies, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Gadamer and African Hermeneutic Philosophy" (Being/Person and the Hermeneutics of Hope). December 3, 2021.
- Business Summit (Ofeme Business Summit) Keynote Presentation on Business Ethics: Community Development and African Prosperity or Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Ofeme/Ohuhu, Abia State, Nigeria. December 31, 2021.
Giovanni Pietro Basile
- “Kant et la philosophie de l’existence de Jaspers“ [Kant and Jaspers’ Philosophy of Existence].? 15th?International Congress of the Society of Kantian Studies in French?(SEKLF). Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Milan, September 28–30, 2021.
Jeffrey Bloechl
- “Christian Existentialism and the Art of Living. A Synoptic Interpretation of Gabriel Marcel,” for online conference on?Catholic Philosophy as a Way of Life, hosted by Creighton University, July 7 [2021].
- “Being and Praying,” for Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, Boston College, March 26.
- “Being and Praying,”?Cambridge D Society, organized by Cambridge University School of Divinity. April 29 [2021].
- “Ordinary and Extraordinary,” Keynote lecture,?Fiftieth Anniversary of the International Program at the Higher Institute of Philosophy,?Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, May 20 [2021].
- "Report on Some Experiments in Formative Education Inspired by the?Constitutions?## 65-67,"?conference of?International Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities?on “Jesuit Education, Religious Plurality, and Secularism,” Barcelona, July 5 [2021].
Gregory Fried
- Online lecture at UMass Boston: . ?
David Johnson? ? ? ?
- Book Session on Watsuji on Nature: Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) meeting (September 25, 2021)?
- “Between Self and No-Self: Some Phenomenological Considerations,” Philosophy of Religions Workshop, University of Chicago (December 3, 2021)
Elisa Magrì
- “Sedimentation and Ethical Memory in Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit”. New York German Idealism Workshop hosted by The New School in New York, October 2021 [online talk].
- “The ethical implications of attention: Husserl and Murdoch”. Sussex Philosophy Society, April 2021 [online talk].
Eileen Sweeney
- “Thomas Aquinas on the Passions in Context”. Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy’s Inaugural Conference held at the University of Notre Dame Oct. 3-6 2021.
- “An Origin Story for Philosophy without Literary Form”. International Conference, Literature and Philosophy. Research Methods, Figures and Forms of Thought, Sept 4-5, 2021, sponsored by The University of Warsaw and Charles University in Prague.
Sarah Byers
- “Animal Instinct and Natural Law in Aquinas.” Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy’s Inaugural Conference held at the University of Notre Dame Oct. 3-6 2021.
Stanley Uche Anozie
- Conversations 2020: Contextualizing the Presidential Elections. Roundtable on Ethics, Media, Communication, and Propaganda, with Stanley Uche Anozie, Chair of Philosophy Professor Gary Mullen and CNN journalist Katy Lobosco. Gettysburg College, October 6, 2020.
Elisa Magrì
- “Social sensitivity and the Ethics of Attention”. Modes of Attention, Freiburg University, July 2020 [online talk].
David Johnson
- “The Re-Enchantment of Nature as Fūdosei 風土性,” Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (December 16, 2019)
David Johnson
- “Fūdo 風土: From Ordinary Term to Philosophical Concept,” Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien, Tokyo, Japan (July 2, 2018)
- “Watsuji’s Philosophical Anthropology,” Temple University Japan, Tokyo, Japan (June 27, 2018)
- Lecture series in Japanese philosophy given at the University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia sponsored by the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility Program (May 1-May 11, 2018)
- “Nature, Culture, and Lifeworld: Some Ontological Considerations,” Institut de Cultura, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain (April 11, 2018)
Jeffrey Bloechl
- Graduate seminar on “Temporality and Transformation in the Pauline Notion of Sacrament,” Mater Dei Institute, Dublin, Ireland,?March 10.?
- “Michel Henry as Philosopher and as Theologian,” book session on J. Rivera, The Contemplative Self after Michel Henry, Mater Dei Institute, Dublin, Ireland,?March 11.
- “Religious and Non-religious Questioning at the Eclipse of God,” Mater Dei Institute, Dublin, Ireland,?March 12.?
- “Religious and Philosophical Principles for a Christian Critique of the University,” University of Notre Dame-Louaize, Beirut, Lebanon,?March 29.
David Johnson
- “Cultivating the Interlacing of Self and World: Nishida and the Phenomenology of Perception,” Nishida Philosophy Association Conference, Tokyo, Japan (July 24)?
- “Self in Nature, Nature in the Lifeworld: Re-Imagining Nature through Watsuji’s Concept of Fūdo,” Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (June 5)?
- “Watsuji’s Topology of the Self,” The 11th East-West Philosopher’s Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (May 29)?
- “Disclosure as the Re-enchantment of Nature: Thinking with and after Watsuji” The Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (March 26)
Daniel McKaughan
- “Faith and the Epistemology of Normative and Aesthetic Inquiry: Comments on ‘“What Would Faith Have to be Like to Be Rational?” by Errol Lord (University of Pennsylvania) ? ?Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. Invited Symposium on “The Value of Faith” organized by Trent Dougherty at Baylor University. San Francisco, CA. March 30 – April 3, 2016.
- “Action-Centered Faith, Doubt and Rationality” ? Value of Faith Conference. San Antonio, TX, January 14-17, 2016.?
Eileen Sweeney
- “The Shifting Role of the Passions from Ockham to Montaigne,'' APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago, IL, March, 3-5, 2016?
- “Thomas Aquinas and Ecstatic Aristotelianism,” Invited Aquinas Lecture, The University of Dallas, January 28, 2016
Richard Atkins
- Peirce’s ‘A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God’ and the Rational Acceptability of Religious Belief,” Saint Anselm College Philosophy Colloquium*?
- “Facts and True Propositions,” New England Pragmatists Forum Inaugural Meeting*?
- “The New Sense, The Experience of Nature, and God’s Providence,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
James Bernauer
- “Nostra Aetate: A Catholic and Jewish Peace Treaty or a Spiritual Breakthrough?” Presentation at the Boisi Center of Boston College (October 14, 2015).
- “Jesuit Kaddish: Encounters Between Jesuits and Jews and Why These Might Matter to Us.” Presentation at the College of the Holy Cross (October 26, 2015).
- “Nostra Aetate: A Catholic and Jewish Truce or a Spiritual Breakthrough?” Presentation at the 2015 Louis J. Kuriansky Conference at the Center for Judaic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Connecticut, Stamford (November 10, 2015).
- "The Ignatian Charism in Our Work: On Jewish-Christian Dialogue.” A panel discussion at the forum “The Ignatian Charism for Dialogue” sponsored by the National Jesuit Office for Interfaith Dialogue. December 5, 2015 at Boston College.
Oliva Blanchette
- Organizer and keynote speaker for consultation in the Boston area with Council for Research on Values and Philosophy on “Re-Learning to be Human in a Globalizing Age” to be held on Dec. 18-19, 2015.
Jeffrey Bloechl
- “The Metaphysics of Relations and the Nouvel théologie ,” opening lecture of “Christian Identity between Faith and Dialogue. A Symposium on Stanislas Breton,” Boston College,?January 21.?
- “Attending to the Things of Faith. Phenomenology and Theology in Reciprocal Critique,” at conference on Catholic Thought and Phenomenology, Marquette University,?February 14.
- “The Death of God and the Problem of Human Suffering. Re-Reading Emmanuel Levinas,” invited lecture at the Mahindra Center for the Humanities, Harvard University,?February 24
- "Philosophy and the Phenomenality of Christian Faith,” invited lecture at Heythrop College,?March 4.
- "A Hermeneutics of Christian Faith,”?March 5, invited lecture at St. Benet’s College, Oxford University.?
- “Against Consolation. 1-2.” Two lectures on Freud’s interpretation of religion and its clinical sources; Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil?August 13-14
- “God and Language at the End of Metaphysics. Levinas’s Unpublished Theory of Metaphor,” plenary lecture at Simposio Hermeneia, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil,?August 18.
- “A New Model for Spiritual Counseling? On Applications of the Work of JeanLouis Chretien.” Public Discussion with Philip Brownell; Third biannual conference on Psychology of the Other, Lesley University,?October 9.
- “Thoughts on Being and Walking” (substantially revised version of 102, above), College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA,?November 12.
Patrick Byrne
- “Meaning, Concreteness and Subjectivity: American Phenomenology, Catholic Philosophy, and Lonergan,” Lonergan Colloquium: Phenomenology and Catholic Philosophy (in North America), Marquette University, February 12-13, 2015.?
- “The Ethics of Personal Responsibility: A Tribute to William Murnion,” Lonergan Workshop, Boston College, June 14-19, 2015. Invited participant, New Realism and Conversations in Science and Religion, Center for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Notre Dame, July 30-31, 2015.
- “Response to Panelists,” Panel discussion of The Ethics Of Discernment, American Catholic Philosophical Society, Boston, MA October 9, 2015.?
- “Empathy, Phenomenology and Self-Appropriation: Edith Stein & Bernard Lonergan,” Lonergan Philosophical Society, Boston, MA, October 10, 2015.
Jorge Garcia
- "Racial?Discrimination,"?invited?address?to?conference?celebrating?50th?Anniversary?of?1st?Female AfricanAmerican?Ph.D.?in?Philosophy,?Yale?University,?2015.
- "From?Neighbor-Love?to?Utilitarianism?and?Back,"?Presidential?Address,?American?Catholic PhilosophicalAssociation?meeting?in?Boston,?2015;?invited?presentation?to?inaugural Philosophy?in?an?Inclusive?KeySummer?Institute?(PIKSI-Boston),?MIT,?2015.
- "Strong?Social?Constructionism?and?Race,"?invited?presentation?to?Summer?Institute?for Diversity?inPhilosophy,?Rutgers?University,?2015.
- "Racial?Discrimination?as?Racist?Discrimination,"?invited?presentation?to?mini-conference?on Racism?andPhilosophy,?University?of North?Carolina?at?Chapel?Hill,?2015.
- "Ethics?of?Race-Loyalty,"?Invited?presentation?to?Freedom?Project,?Wellesley?College,?2015
Gary Gurtler, SJ
- Conferencia: “La Noética en Aristóteles y Zubiri” (en espa?ol): miércoles 1 de julio 2015, de 18 a 20 hs., Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.
- Seminario sobre Plotino (en espa?ol, sobre Enéada IV.5, en la nueva traducción en inglés): martes 30 de junio 2015, de 11,30 a 13 hs., Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.?
- “Aristotle and Plotinus: Act and Potency and the Two Acts,” 13th Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, III Simposio de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Neoplatónicos, 15–19 June 2015 Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina.?
- Comment on Nikulin, ‘Proclus on Evil,’” Thirty-Seventh Annual Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Boston College, 12 March 2015.?
David Johnson
- “The Place of the Self: Watsuji Tetsurō’s Relational Ontology,” Center for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (October 13)
Micah Lott
- “The Comic Sword of Truth and Justice: Humor as a Moral Virtue” Conference on Neglected Virtues: University of Auckland, NZ: August 2015??
- “How political are virtue and happiness?” Amsterdam University College: June 2015
Marina McCoy
- Invited?speaker,?"Vulnerability?and?Virtue:?Misfortune,?Comfort,?and the?Good?Death,"?Veritas?Forum,University?of?Tennessee,?Knoxville, November?2015.
- Invited?speaker,?"Techne?and?Paradigmatic?Argument?in?Book?One?of the?Republic,"?Workshop?onPlato's?Technical?Animal,?St?Francis Xavier,?Antigonish,?Nova?Scotia,?October?2015.
- Invited?speaker,?"Wounded?Gods?and?Wounded?Men?in?Homer's?Iliad,"?Symposium:?Vulnerability-?a?newfocus?for?theological??and interdisciplinary??anthropology,?lntemationales?Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg,?Germany,?September?2015.
Daniel McKaughan
- “Must Faith Be Belief on Insufficient Evidence? Analyzing Faith, Belief, Hope, and Trust” ? Invited presentation for the Boston College Philosophy and Theology Workgroup. December 2, 2015.?
- “Epigenetics, Molecular Biology, and Evolutionary Biology: Then and Now – Comments” ? Commentator and Discussion Moderator for roundtable session on “Epigenetics: Its History and Current Issues” at the 2016 History of Science Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 19-22, 2015.
- “Common Sense Realism and Empiricism: Improving Our Embodied Postures From Within a Tradition” ? Invited speaker for the Fundamental Epistemology of Theology, Philosophy, and Sciences Conference at Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, October 7-9, 2015.?
- “On Conditions for the Epistemic and Practical Rationality of Acts of Faith” ? Presented at The Faith Project Seminar, University of Missouri, MO, July 28, 2015.?
- “Character Ethics, Emotion, and Neuroscience” ? Invited contribution to the “In Character” Video Series for the Wake Forest University Character Project (with Charles Starkey, Clemson University). June 19, 2015.
- “The Multiverse and Our Place in the Cosmos” ? Invited talk and public discussion forum on science and our place in nature “We are Here: The How and the Why” (co-led with Edmund Bertschinger, Professor of Physics and former Physics Department Head at MIT) for the Pre-Show Symposium, “Central Conversations for Mr. g”, with Central Square Theater and Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. Cambridge, MA. May 23, 2015.
- “Faith as Active Commitment” ? Presented at the Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. Invited Symposium on “The Nature of Faith” organized by Kristen Irwin at Loyola University Chicago and chaired by Ted Poston at University of South Alabama. Vancouver, British Columbia. April 1-5, 2015.?
John Sallis
- “Gathering Language: Heidegger’s Gespr?ch with the Japanese”—Presented at Tongji University (Shanghai, China) (November 2015); also at Tunghai University (Taichung, Taiwan) (November 2015). ?“Returning to Nature”—Presented at Tunghai University (Taichung, Taiwan) (November 2015).
- The Dialogue between Painting and Philosophy: On Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, and Cézanne”—Presented at Chingchi University (Taipei, Taiwan) (November 2015).
- “Hermeneutics of Enchorial Space”—Presented as Keynote Speaker at meeting of North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics, Philadelphia (September 2015).
- “Voices”—Presented at Collegium Phaenomenologicum (Italy) (July 2015).
- “On the Bounds and Expanse of Enchorial Space”—Presented at conference “Raum erfahren: Epistemologische, ethische, und ?sthetische Zug?nge” (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) (June 2015).?
- “Hymns to Nature: Cao Jun and the Renewal of Chinese Landscape Painting”— Presented as Keynote Speaker at the meeting of the Comparative and Contnental Philosophy Circle (Iceland) (May 2015).
- “The Span of Memory: On Plato’s Theaetetus” (new redaction)—Presented as Keynote Speaker at meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society, Lexington (April 2015); also at Creighton University (March 2015).?
- “The Dialogue between Painting and Philosophy”—Presented as Renard Lecturer at Creighton University (March 2015).
Marius Stan
- Huygens on Inertial Structure and Relativity. Max Planck Institute for History of Science (July 2015)?
- The Early Modern Interest Group, University of Minnesota (April 2015)
- Kant and the Basic Laws of Classical Mechanics. Dept of Philosophy, University of Minnesota (April 2015)
Eileen Sweeney
- “The Liberal Arts in the 11th and 12th Centuries: (Selective) Nurturing of the Tree of Knowledge,” Invited presentation, Harvard University Medieval Colloquium on the Liberal Arts, September 24, 2015?
- “Anselm on Evil and Eudaimonism,” Reading Anselm: Context and Criticism, International Association of Anselm Studies Conference, Boston College, July 27-30, 2015?
- “Medieval Philosophy 50 years later: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t,” 50th Anniversary Special Session for the 50th Anniversary of the International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 15, 2015.
Aspen Brinton
- Presented a paper “Persuading the Powerful: Translating Dissidence Across Time and Culture” at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Chicago on August 29.
Micah Lott
- Presented a paper at the The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe Conference at Oxford University on September 26.
Daniel McKaughan
- Presented a paper “Non-Epistemic Values and the Multiple Goals of Science” at a conference at the University of Notre Dame, June 6-7.
Thomas Miles
- Presented a paper “Kierkegaard on Individual Autonomy and its Limitations” at the The Seventh International Kierkegaard Conference at St. Olaf College on June 27.
Vanessa Rumble
- Presented a paper on Kierkegaard’s Relation to Schelling at John’s Hopkins, September 21.
Marius Stan
- Was a commentator at the First International Workshop on Kant and the Lawfulness of Nature” at the University of Edinburgh, UK on June 27.
Tone Svetelj
- Presented a paper “Globalization: Rediscovery of the Richness and Complexity of Human Existence” at the 11th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities in Budapest on June 20.
Jim Bernauer, S.J.
- Will be presenting a paper "From European Anti-Jesuitism to German Anti- Jewishness: A Tale of Two Texts" at a conference in Krakow, Poland, March 5.
Jeff Bloechl
- In December Bloechl gave two invited lectures on phenomenology in Macau and one in Hong Kong.
- In April he will lecture in New York at a major conference on forgiveness in the thought of the French philosopher Vladimir Jankelevitch.
- This summer he will be in Belgium and in Italy, where he will participate in a week-long seminar on philosophy and aesthetics.
- He is also organizing an international conference on psychoanalysis, tragedy and politics, to take place at Boston College in October.
Patrick Byrne
- Will be giving two lectures, "Why Do People think Science and Faith are Incompatible?" at the Weston Observatory, February 18 and 25.
Jorge Garcia
- Reviewer, American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship Applications, January.
- Aquinas Lecturer, The Personalist Norm & Virtue Ethics, St. Thomas U., Fredericton, Canada, January.
- Submission referee, *Erkenntnis* international philosophy journal, February.
- Panelist, APA Central Div Meeting session on Racism & Virtue Ethics, Chicago, February.
- Faculty member, Annual Medical Ethics Conf, Center for Ethics & Culture, U. of Notre Dame, March.
- Member, Workshop on the Imperative of Integration, Ctr for Ethics, Georgia State U., Atlanta, May.
- Invited presenter, Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy, NYC, May.
- Invited presenter, session on Defending Life, U. Faculty for Life Annual Conf, U. of St. Thomas Law School, Minneapolis, June.
- Richard Kearney
Launched?The Guestbook Project, "an artistic and multi-media experiment in hospitality, including conferences, concerts, lectures, and exhibitions. The project's core themes are host and guest; violence and reconciliation; embodied imagination and the sacred."
Peter Kreeft
- Was recently featured in an interview on the theme of eternity in?Christianity Today.
Marina McCoy
- Was featured in a book panel on her book,?Plato and the Rhetoric of Sophists and Philosophers?at the Northeastern Political Science Association annual meeting, November 2008.
- Presented “Vulnerability and the Myth of Judgment in Plato’s Gorgias,” at the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy annual meeting, Fordham U., October 2008.
- Gave the lecture, “Plato’s?Apology?and the Quest of Philosophy,” for a Perspectives Program plenary lecture, Boston College, September 2008.
David Rasmussen
- Was appointed to the program committee of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophy Association.
John Sallis
- Plenary speaker at an international conference on the theme "Imagination and Nature" held at the Institute for Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, in Taipei, Taiwan, November 2008. He also presented lectures in Taipei at Soochow University and at National Chengchi University.
- Plenary speaker at a conference on "Meaning and Word: Philosophy/Literature" held in Florence, Italy, February 2009. His lecture was entitled "Writing and the Language of Painting."
- Presented a lecture entitled "Speaking of the Earth: Figures of Transport in the Phaedo" in the Bradley Lecture Series at Boston College, January 2009.
Jean-Luc Solère
- Was an invited commentator on Robert Pasnau, “The Scholastics and Secondary Qualities, at the U. of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, September 19-20.
- Gave an invited lecture on “Bayle historien et critique du matérialisme” at the international conference “Bayle Historian and Critic of Philosophy”, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), October 17-20, 2008.
- Gave an invited lecture on “Graduating in Paradise: The Preponderance of the School Paradigm in the Middle Ages In a Sermon by Robert de Sorbon” at Florida State University, March 5, 2009.
- Gave an invited lecture on "Scotus geometres: Les arguments scotistes géométriques en faveur du continu et leur utilisation au XVIIe siècle", at the international conference "La Postérité de Duns Scot", Université de Strasbourg, March 18-21.
Jean-Luc Solère
- September 16-23 - Jean-Luc Solère lectured on “Durandus of St-Pour?ain: the first versions of his Sentences commentary” at the 10th International Congress of the Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy, Palermo (Italy). He also chaired 2 sessions and presented the activities and the new website of the “Working Tools” committee which he presides.
- September 8 - Jean-Luc Solère spoke about “Arnauld versus St. Augustine” at the Boston College Workshop in Modern Philosophy.
- February 7-9 - Jean-Luc Solère participated to the International Conference: "Theology and Early Modern Philosophy (1550–1750)", Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies,and presented on “Bayle and the Aporiai of Reason”.
- March 27-28 - Jean-Luc Solère delivered the 2008 Harold Johnston Lectures at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). He presented on: “On representation: Vermeer and Descartes” and “The Modern Conception of Time: Ockham, Descartes and Newton”.
Tom Miles
- August 16 - Tom Miles spoke on “Either/Or – Reintroducing an Ancient Approach to Ethics” at the S?ren Kierkegaard Research Center in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- February 16 - Tom Miles spoke on "Solomon’s Nietzsche’s Scholarship” at the University of Texas at Austin.
- April 19 - Tom Miles spoke on “Nietzsche’s Ethics of Philosophy” at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth TX.
Jeffrey Hanson
- August 27 - Jeffrey Hanson spoke on "Michel Henry's Intuition of Life: God and Man out of this World" at the Romanian Society for Phenomenology's International Colloquium in Sibiu, Romania.
- November 9 - Jeffrey Hanson spoke on "Michel Henry's Counter-Intuitive Theory of Intuition" at SPEP in Chicago.
- April 26 - Jeffrey Hanson spoke on "Haufniensis Reading Silentio: A Reappraisal of 'Fear and Trembling'" at the new England Society for Continental Philosophy in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Jorge Garcia
- September - Jorge Garcia spoke on "Racism as Vice" at Yale University Philosophy Dept.
- October - Jorge Garcia participated in a panel at a Bioethics Center conference, 'Human Life: Its Beginning & End,' at Franciscan Univ of Steubenville.
- October - Jorge Garcia spoke on "Racism as Vice" as Erasmus Lecturer at Westmont College (CA).
- February 1 - Jorge Garcia spoke on "Racism as Vice" at the C. H. F. Henry Ctr., Union University (TN).
- February 23 - Jorge Garcia spoke on "Race and the Limits of Social Construction," as an invited address at the Graduate School Conference: 'Marginal Identities: Formation and Response,' Boston College.
- April 19 - Jorge Garcia spoke on "The Nature & Limits of Social Construction" as an invited keynote address at the Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting at Niagara University (NY).
- April 26 - Jorge Garcia made a presentation in a panel on ethics & politics at the Graduate School Alumni Conference: 'Philosophy: Past, Present, & Future,' at Yale University (CT).
Eileen Sweeney
- September 16-22 - Eileen Sweeney spoke on “Anselm in Dialogue with the Other” at the Societé Internationale pour l'?tude de Philosophie Medievale World Congress, Palermo.
- October 8 - Eileen Sweeney delivered the Aquinas lecture entitled, “Reading Aquinas: Myths, Dangers, and Virtues,” St. Mary’s College, South Bend, Indiana.
- October 13 - Eileen Sweeney spoke on Derrida for Beginners: Derrida on Austin and Searle at the Derrida Workshop, Boston College.
- April 10-11 - Eileen Sweeney spoke on “Theology vs. Preaching in Aquinas,” at The 35th Annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, on Dominicans and Franciscans.
Michael Kelly
- September - Michael Kelly spoke on "The Relevance of Bergson's Philosophy in the UK and US: A retrospective with a note on the future" at the Institut Francais, London.
- October 23 - Michael Kelly spoke on "Can Husserl Avoid the Mereological Fallacy: Husserl's Critique of Neuroscience?" at the International Association of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando FL and also on October 13, at the Northern New England Philosophical Association, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, MA.
- November 8 - Michael Kelly spoke on "The Phenomenological reduction and Continental Philosophy: Recovering Truth from Rhetoric" at the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Chicago, IL.
- December 27 - Michael Kelly spoke on "A Phenomenology of Political Apathy: A Commenary" at The American Philosopical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, Baltimor, MD.
- March 24 - Michael Kelly spoke on "Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on the Body" at Providence College, RI.
- April 21: Michael Kelly spoke on "Husserl's Place in Merleau-Ponty's Phenoomenology of the 'Subject as Time'," at the New England Seminar for Continental Philosophy," Saint Anselm's College, NH.
Richard Kearney
- January 12 - Richard Kearney spoke on The Hermeneutics of Translation', Institut Catholique de Paris.
- February 8 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Narrative, fiction, History', Manhatten College, NY.
- February 9 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'The ordinary universe in Joyce, Proust, Woolf', Fordham University, NY.
- March 4 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'The Irish Mind', The Royal Irish Academy', Dublin.
- March 14 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Phenomenology of Desire', University College Dublin.
- April 13 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'The Anatheist Wager', Plenary address to the SCPT conference, Gorden College.
- April 24 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Translation, Hospitality and Imagination', Harvard University.
- May 30 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Between Mythos and Logos', Pacifica Institute, Santa Barbara.
- June 12 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Narrating Pain: Catharis, Mourning and Forgetting', Humanities International Conference, Ramapo College, New Jersey.
- June 17 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Declining Selves: Between Ricoeur and Deleuze', National University of Ireland.
- June 18 - Richard Kearney spoke on 'Between the Secular and the Sacred: Taylor, Ricoeur, Girard', Dublin City University.
John Sallis
- October - John Sallis presented "Die Logik des Denkens" at the conference "Heidegger and Husserl," sponsored by the Martin-Heidegger- Gesellschaft, Freiburg, Germany.
February presentations:?
- "On Monet," University of Maine.
- "Art and the Invisible," University of Maine.
- "Exorbitant Logic," at the conference "Ancient Friends in Contemporary Thinking" at Duquesne University.
- April - John Sallis presented "Response: In the Open of the Question" at the "Round Table on the Work of John Sallis," Ancient Philosophy Society meeting at the New School for Social Research, New York.
May presentations:
- "The Invisibility of Painting," Lóránd E?tv?s University, Budapest, Hungary
- "Seminar on Logic and the History of Metaphysics," S?dert?rns University College, Stockholm.
- "The Invisibility of Painting," S?dert?rns University College, Stockholm.
- July - John Sallis presented "On the Sensible in Art" at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Città di Castello, Italy.
James Bernauer, S.J.
- December 29 - James Bernauer, S.J. spoke "On Foucault's Courses at the Collège de France" at the American Philosophical Association Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
- April 17 - James Bernauer, S.J. spoke on "Secular Self-Sacrifice: On Michel Foucault's Courses at the Collège de France" at the Conference "A Foucault for the 21st Century" held at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Peter Kreeft
- January 3 - Peter Kreeft spoke on "Four Arguments for Transcendence" at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, HI.
- January 4 - Peter Kreeft spoke on "Is Surfers' 'Stoke' a Genuine Mystical Experience?" at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, HI.
January - May 2007
- January 12-14 - Neal Deroo gave a paper entitled "The Weakness of God: A New Theodicy" at the Rutgers Philosophy of Religion conference.
- January 13 - Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin presented "Practical Moral Luck and Future Success." at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- January 16 - Patrick Byrne will give a workshop on "Ethics in Everyday Life" at Brimmer and May School.
- January 25 - Camilla Bosanquet will present a paper (“Refining Jus Post Bellum”) and speak on a panel (“Contemporary Issues in jus in bello and jus post bellum”) at the International Symposium for Military Ethics in Washington, DC.
- February 12-14 - Patrick Byrne will serve as an external reviewer for the Duquesne Philosophy Graduate Program.
- February 14-17 - Jean-Luc Solère will participate (chair a session) to a conference on "Soul and Mind: Ancient and Medieval Perspectives on the De anima" organized at the occasion of the jubilee of the De Wulf-Mansion Center, Catholic University of Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve.
- February 23-25 - Jonathan Conley spoke on "Desire In Painting: Art and Lacans Theory Of The Scopic Drive," at the International Sympsium on the Arts in Society at NYU.
- February 24 - Richard Kearney will speak on "Narrative, History, Fiction," at the University of Amiens, France.
- February 27 - Richard Kearney will speak on "Hermeneutics of Narrative: Between History and Story" at the National University of Ireland, Dublin.
- February 28 - Jorge Garcia will give serve as a panelist (with author Damon Linker) in discussion of "Theoconservatives & American Public Life" for BC's Boisi Center.
- March 3 - John Cleary will speak on "Tensions within the Open Society" at a conference on Open Society at U College Cork, sponsored by the Irish Philosophical Society.
- March 7-8 - Jorge Garcia will participate in a meeting of Integrated Review Group on Genes, Genetix, & Genomix for NIH's Ctr for Scientific Review to evaluate proposals on Ethical, Legal, & Social Implications in Washington, DC.
- March 8 - Richard Kearney will speak on "Catharis and Phronesis: the Double Duty of Narrative," Dunloaghaire School of Art, Ireland.
- March - Jim Bernauer will present "Is Foucault's Thought a Resource for Understanding Contemporary Islam?" at the Foucault Circle Meeting at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles.
- March 23-25 - Jorge Garcia will serve as a consultant in University of Notre Dame's Medical Ethics Conference.
- March 23-24 - Neal Deroo will be giving a paper, "Determined to Reveal: Revelation and Determination in Derrida," at Brock University.
- March 30 - Eileen Sweeney will be giving an invited talk at the Sewanee Medieval Colloquium on the topic "Aquinas on Passion and Sin."
- April 1 - Jeff Hanson will present a paper called "Henry and Kierkegaard on the ‘How’ and the ‘What’ of Phenomenality" to the British Society for Phenomenology conference at Oxford.
- April/May - Patrick Byrne will be speaking on a panel, "Where Morals Come from and Why it Matters," at the The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT.
- April 13-14 - Jorge Garcia will participate in a Georgetown workshop on intentions in ethics.
- April 17 - Richard Kearney will speak on "Towards a New Eschatology," at the National Emergent Conference, Philadelphia.
- April 20 - Richard Kearney will speak on "Interreligious Imagination," at the BU Conference on New Directions in Philosophy of Religion.
- April 20-22 - Michael Kelly will present on "Bergson and Phenomenology: Bodily Self-givenness and Non-objectivating Awareness", at the 5th Annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology (Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen).
- May 4 - Jean-Luc Solère will give on talk on "The intellect according to Durandus of Saint-Pour?ain" at the conference "Ockham's Immediate Background: Mind and Knowledge 1300-1325" at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
- May 10: Richard Kearney will speak on "Suffering, the Sacred and the Sublime,"
at Trinity Western University, Canada. - May 10-12 - Brian Gregor will present "Time, Fiction, and Responsibility: The Narrative Imagination in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prison Writings" at the western regional Conference on Christianity and Literature at Trinity Western University, BC, Canada.
- May 28-30 - Michael Kelly will present on "Kant's A-deduction: Hussserl's Appreciation, Heidegger's Apostacy, or How Phenomenology Lost Itself," at the 2007 annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy (U of Saskatchewan, Canada).
September - December 2006
- September 3 - Richard Kearney presented "Phenomenology of Liturgy" at the 2nd Annual Seminar on Theology and Philosophy at Glenstal Abbey, Limerick.
- September 15 - Jorge Garcia presented "Genetic Enhancement in a Harvard Debate" at the American Maritain Association meeting in Nashville, TN.
- September 16 - Jeff Hanson spoke on "Both Sides of Derrida's Doublet: Two Perspectives on Belief and Metaphysics" at the Second Annual Conference on Belief and Metaphysics in Granada, Spain.
- September 21 - Jorge Garcia presented "Virtues and Consequences" to the Philosophy Department at U. of San Francisco.
- September 22 - Patrick Byrne presented "On the Vocation of University Teaching" at the Lilly Honors Conference, Calvin College.
- September 22 - Jorge Garcia presented "The Volitional Concept of Racism and Some Critics" at the California Roundtable on Race and Philosophy at the U of San Francisco.
- October 10 - Jorge Garcia participated in the 2006 Erasmus Conference on "New Faces of Christianity" at the Institute on Religion and Public Life in NYC.
- October 11 - David Rasmussen presented a lecture on Paul Ricoeur at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in Philadelphia.
- October 13 - Richard Kearney gave the "Ricoeur Memorial Lecture" at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy 45th Annual Conference, Philadelphia.
- October 13 - Jeff Hanson spoke on "Anxiety, Immanence, and Incarnation: Henry and Kierkegaard" at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy 45th Annual Conference.
- October 21 - Eileen Sweeney presented "Linguistic Analysis and the Anselmian Project" at the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy annual meeting in NYC.
- October 21 - Marina McCoy presented "Alcidamas, Isocrates, and Plato on speech, writing, and philosophy," at the SAGP the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy annual meeting in NYC.
- October 25 - Richard Kearney presented on "Phenomenology and Micro-eschatology" at Syracuse University.
- October 27-29 - Patrick Byrne participated as a member of the Executive Council at the Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, at Denison University. Gary Gurtler, S.J., coordinated the meeting of the Jesuit Philosophical Association at the ACPA. Richard Cobb-Stevens also presented a paper at the ACPA.
- November 2-5 - Jorge Garcia will attend the American Maritain Association's annual meeting to present a paper on social construction and identity.
- November 4-5 - Gretchen Gusich will present "Husserl's Return of Judgment to the Horizon of World" at the 58th Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference, University of Portland, Oregon.
- November 7-10 - Jean-Luc Solère will present "Scepticime, métaphysique et morale", at the international conference "Les Eclaircissements de Pierre Bayle", in Paris.
- November 16-17 - Jorge Garcia will attend?a fall meeting of Genes group for NIH's CSR.
- November 20 - James Bernauer, S.J., will deliver a lecture, "Jews and Jesuits: The Holocaust and the Search for Forgiveness" at the College of the Holy Cross.
- November 20 - John Manoussakis spoke on "The Vision of God: Reconciling Augustine's Exegesis of the Old Testament Theophanies" at the AAR (American Academy of Religion) annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
- November 21 - Richard Kearney on "Capable Man", AAR, Washington D.C.
- November 29-30 - Ron Anderson, S.J., will present "From Algebra to Quarks: Unitary Symmetry, the eightfold way, and particle physics 1960s and 70s" at the Festschrift in Honour of Bruce McKellar and Girish Joshi at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
John Sallis gave the following talks this semester:
- "The Hermeneutics of the Artwork" - North American Society for Hermeneutics meeting in conjunction with SPEP (Philadelphia, October 2006)
- "Preposterous Ascents: On Philosophy and Comedy" - Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (Philadelphia, October 2006)
- "The Invisibility of Painting" - at the Philosophy, Poetry, and Religion Seminar at the Harvard Humanities Center (November 2006)
- "On Looks" - at the New School for Social Research (New York, November 2006)
- December 1 - Arthur Madigan, SJ, will present, "Robert Spaemann's Interpretation of Modernity" at the "Modernity: Yearning for the Infinite" conference at the University of Notre Dame.
- November 30-December 2 - Jorge Garcia will present a paper on ethical issues surrounding genetic enhancement at a conference on modernity at the U of Notre Dame's Center for Ethics and Culture.
- December 27 - Jorge Garcia will participate as a member in a meeting of the Executive Committee of the APA Eastern Division.
June - August 2006
- June - David Rasmussen codirected the Summer Course on Human Rights and Political Philosophy in Oriveto, Italy.
- June 1 - Amanda Gibeault gave a paper titled "Though This Be Cartesian, Yet There is Sense to It: Husserl and Scheman" at the Canadian Philosophical Association in Toronto, Ontario.
- June 2-4 - Jorge Garcia participated in the Life and Learning, XVI University Faculty for Life annual conference, as a member of the board.
- June 6 - Ron Anderson presented a paper, "Mathematics and the Empirical Sciences: Charles Sanders Peirce on the status and application of mathematics" at the Conference in Honor of Abner Shimony, sponsored by the Perimeter Institute at Waterloo, Ontario.
- June 23-25 - Richard Cobb-Stevens read a paper entitled "Husserl's Unfinished Philosophy of Science," at the annual meeting of the Husserl Circle at Wellesley College. At the same conference, Michael Kelly presented "Husserl, Bergsonism, and the Sense of the Past in General" to the Husserl Circle conference, Wellesley College. John O'Connor also presented a paper at this conference, and Mary Troxell commented on a paper.
- June 21-July 7 - John Manoussakis lectured on the "Phenomenology of Eros" at the American College of Greece.
- June 26-29 - Gary Gurtler, SJ delivered a paper at the Congres de l'ISNS, Quebec City.
- June 30-July 2 - John Sallis presented a paper: " Foreignness: On Chinese Opera", at the international conference "Hermeneutik und das Fremde," at Universit?t Freiburg.
- July - Philosophy and Social Criticism, edited by David Rasmussen, will publish a special issue on the thought of Robert Brandom.
- July 2-9 - Jim Bernauer, S.J., lectured on Hannah Arendt during the meeting "Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust" which was held at the Center for Applied Ethics in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
- July 8 - Jean-Luc Solère presented "Pierre Bayle and the Conflict of First Principles", at the Atlantic Canada Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- July 7-8 - John Manoussakis organized the Fifth International Conference at the American College of Greece: "Phenomenology and Eschatology." During this conference, Richard Cobb-Stevens lectured on "Micro-Eschatology and a Phenomenology of the Everyday", Jeffrey Hanson on "Material Phenomenology, the Essence of Religion, and Theology in Michael Henry", and Richard Kearney on "Eschatology of the Everyday".
- July 10-14 - John Sallis presented three lectures on "Derrida, Heidegger, and the Greeks," at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum in Città di Castello, Italy.
- July 18 - Richard Kearney presented "Philosophy and Figuration", Dialogue with John Lalor at the Pompidou Musuem of Modern Art, Paris.
- July 19-20 - Jorge Garcia again participated as a member in a meeting of the Genes, Genetics, & Genomics Integrated Review Group in Washington, DC for NIH's Ctr for Scientific Row.
- July 21-26 - Michael Raiger presented a paper on Augustine's account of original sin as represented in Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" at The 2006 Coleridge Summer Conference in Somersetshire, England. The paper was entitled "'I shot the Albatross': A Causal Explanation of the Mariner's Act."
- July 30-August 6 - Jorge Garcia again participated as a faculty member in Rutgers's Summer Institute for Diversity in Philo, presenting a talk called "Racial & Ethnic Identity?".
- August 16-18 - Patrick Byrne will be a member of the working group at International Association of Catholic Bioethics (IACB) Meeting on "Lonergan’s Functional Specialties and Bioethics" at St. Michael's College, University of Toronto.
- August 17 - Vanessa Rumble presents "Christianly Speaking, Human Speaking: Kierkegaard's Response to Leveling in Christian Discourses," at the Kierkegaard Research Center in Copenhagen.
- Vanessa Rumble reports that the Board of Editors for the forthcoming English language critical edition of Kierkegaard Journals and Notebooks, on which she serves, will be meeting. The first volume of the projected 11 volume series, to be published by Princeton, is forthcoming this fall, to be by volume 2 in 2007.
April - May 2006
- April 1 - Jorge Garcia will present "The Love Ethic Strikes Back: A Vocationalist Account of Racism and Its Critics" on a panel at the Molloy College Conference, Love in the Public Square, in Rockville Center, NY.
- April 6 - Brian Braman will present a paper on Great Books and authentic human existence at the American Association for Core Texts and Curricula conference.
- April 7-8 - Eileen Sweeney will present a plenary lecture for the Boston College Graduate Student philosophy conference On Language.
- April 8 - Richard Kearney will present "Beckett: Imagination, Dead or Alive" at the RTE, Dublin.
- April 10 - Richard Cobb-Stevens will lecture on "Husserl's Incomplete Philosophy of Science", at Boston University.
- April 12-14 - Richard Kearney will present "Hermeneutics of Religion" at the National University of Ireland in Dublin.
- April 14-15 - Neal DeRoo will present a paper at the "Arresting the Flow" graduate conference at Northwestern University.
- April 18-22 - William Richardson, S.J., will give a paper at the “Heidegger: De Camino en el pensar” conference in Mexico City.
- April 20-24 - Gary Gurtler, S.J., will comment and attend as an executive committee member of the Ancient Philosophy Society conference in Chicago.
- April 29 - Patrick Byrne will present "Is Intelligent Design Coherent?' at the Annual Philosophy Symposium at Salisbury University, Maryland.
- April - David Rasmussen will present a series of lectures in the Graduate Program in Political Philosophy and Human Rights at LUISS in Rome.
- May 2-4 - John Cleary will present a paper at the Conference in Ancient Philosophy in Leuven, Belgium.
- May 2 - Richard Kearney will present "Narration and Truth: Between Story and History" at the American College of Cairo, Egypt.
- May 6 - Richard Kearney will present "Mapping Memory' at U of Uppsala, Sweden.
- May 8 - Richard Kearney will present "Poetics of Remembrance" at NISN International Conference, Dalarna University, Sweden.
- May 17-25 - Jim Bernauer will be participating in a seminar at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The seminar is entitled "Complicity and Confession: Post-Holocaust Christian Interpretations of Guilt and Forgiveness."
- May 18 - Richard Kearney will present "L'Homme Capable", Paul Ricoeur International Conference, McGill University, Montreal.
- May 18-20 - John Sallis participated in Colloquium "On the Elements: Sallis and Chillida," at St. Jean de Luz, France.
- May 22-26 - John Sallis attended the international conference "Heidegger, Poetry, and Art," in Madrid (Spain) and presented a paper on "The Promise of Art".
- May 26-31 - David Rasmussen will lecture on Reasonability and Public Reason in the course on Philosophy and Social Sciences held at the Czech Academy of Human Sciences, Prague.
- May 24-28 - Bill Richardson, SJ participated in the Heidegger und die Dichtung conference in Frankfurt, Germany.
- Erin Tarver will present "Anxiety, Gaiety and the Concept of 'Home': Mood and Disclosure in Heidegger" at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign graduate philosophy conference.
January - March 2006
Talks by Richard Kearney:
- January 1 - "On Narrative Imagination", University of Allahabad, India.
- January 4 - "Interreligious Dialogue and Violence", U of Kathamandu, Nepal.
- January 6 - "The Interreligious Imagination", Centre for Philosophy and Culture, Madras, India.
- January 8 - "Epiphany and Eschatology", University of Madras, India.
- January 9 - "Hermeneutics and Interconfessional hospitality", University of Bangalore, India.
- January 21 - "Traversing the Heart", Rishikesh, India.
- February 17 - Marina McCoy will present, "Platonic and Socratic Rhetoric in the Apology," University of Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Tucson, AZ.
- February 20 - John Sallis will speak on "The Look of Things," at the Frederick J. Adelmann Chair Installation Lecture, Boston Colllege.
- February 24-25 - Marina McCoy will speak on a Personalist feminism panel, for "Truth, Life, and Solidarity: Philosophical Perspectives on the Thought of John Paul the Great" conference, Church in the 21st Century, Boston College.
- March 11 - Mark Sentesy presented a paper entitled “Husserl on Signs” for the Thirteenth Annual May 4th Philosophy Graduate Student Conference.
- March 13-14 - Jorge Garcia served as a member in a meeting of the Genes, Genomes, & Genetics Integrated Review Group for NIH's Center for Scientific Review in Washington, DC.
- March 17 - John Sallis will speak on "Platonic Drama" at the conference on Art and Ancient Thought at the Vale do Doce Museum of the Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitória, Brazil.
- March 17-19 - Jorge Garcia will participate as a consultant and panelist in the 21st Annual Medical Ethics Conference at the University of Notre Dame.
- March 20 - John Sallis will speak on "Ontology” at the conference on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.
- March 23-25 - Patrick Byrne will present a paper at the 21st Annual Fallon Memorial Lonergan Symposium at Loyola Marymount.
- March 23-26 - Corey Dyck will chair a session of the North American Kant Society and comment on a paper, "Kant on Morality and Temporality" at the APA Pacific meeting in Portland.
- March 24 - Patrick Byrne presents "Evolution, Randomness And Divine Purpose: A Reply To Cardinal Sch?nborn" at the West Coast Method Institute, Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles. He will also participate on a panel discussing the 2006 publication of William A. Mathews' biography of Bernard Lonergan, S.J., LONERGAN'S QUEST.
- March 24 - Brian Braman presents a lecture on the genetic and dialectical aspects of the Perspectives program as an approach to teaching core texts, Seton Hall.
- March 24 - Richard Kearney presents a talk, "Narrating Pain," for Frances Restuccia's "Psychoanalytic Practices" seminar at The Humanities Center at Harvard.
- March 27-31 - David Rasmussen will lecture on "Juridification and International Law" in the Political and Social Philosophy Course at the Inter-University Centre for Post-Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- March 30 - Eileen Sweeney will deliver a paper, entitled, “Alan of Lille’s Theological Dictionary: Between Literature and Philosophy” Medieval Academy Meeting, Boston.
- March 31 - Jeff Hanson will give a presentation entitled "Michel Henry, Immanence, and Anxiety" at the Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology's 2006 meeting on the Theological Turn in French Phenomenology.
- March - Maury Castro will deliver a paper at a Graduate Student Conference at the University of Kentucky.
- Jorge Garcia spoke on "Wojtyla and the Personalist Love Ethic" at the John Paul II Truth Life and Solidarity Conference, Boston College.