Patricia Doherty

Patricia Doherty, ISR Director

We were devastated to report that Patricia Doherty, Director of the Institute for Scientific Research, passed away on July 14, 2022. Pat was more than an excellent scientist and mentor, she was our friend.

Pat joined the ISR in 1989, became Co-Director in 2005, and led the ISR as Director since 2008. Her research focused on space weather and ionospheric effects on Global Navigation Satellite Systems and their applications such as aviation and communications. One of her favorite activities was promoting research and education in the science of navigation in developing countries, organizing and sponsoring workshops and summer schools all over the world. Among her many roles, she was recently elected Vice President of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), served as Scientific Secretary for the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP), and was a member of the Board of Trustees for the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). Pat's numerous awards for her research and international outreach included the ION Burka Award, the ION Weems Award, the ION Distinguished Service Award, the 2017 GPS World Leadership Award, and the 2018 AGU Carrington Education and Outreach Award. She was a Fellow of the Institute of Navigation (ION) and of the African Geospace Society.

She touched so many lives and will be sorely missed by all of us.

Poster shown at BSS 2022

Poster shown at BSS 2022 Photo credits: multiple

Poster shown at the 2022 Beacon Satellite Symposium. Many thanks to those who shared their photos.

Pat - in her own words

Links to additional memorials

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