ࡱ> PRO bjbj<< (D^^ 8^"j"""""""#j&""4"d""6tg{|U."0^"J'J'8&9 :   Boston college Law StudentS Association Finance Committee Funding Request Form Please complete the following form to request funding and co-sponsorship from the LSA Finance Committee. Although the Committee may ask a representative of your student organization to attend one of our meetings to discuss this funding request, bear in mind that the Committee may make funding decisions based solely on the information provided below. The Committee encourages all organizations to seek funding from alternative sources, such as other student organizations or outside fundraising, before seeking funding from the LSA. Please complete every field below. If any question or field is not applicable, please enter N/A. Do not leave any fields blank. Sponsoring Organization:Event Name:Event Date:Is this a new event?Co-sponsoring Organization(s):Amount Requested:Description of Event: (Please provide a detailed description, including an explanation of what your organization hopes to accomplish by putting on this event. Feel free to use as much space as necessary.)Is this event open to the entire student body?How will you advertise this event?How many students do you estimate may attend?Aside from allocating funds from your organizations budget, what other means of raising funds for this event have you sought?What costs are associated with this event? (Ex: catering, speaker travel, film rights, etc. If you have an estimated budget for this event, please submit it along with this form.)Item:Amount:Name of Primary Student Contact:Email of Primary Student Contact: By signing below, I affirm: 1) that the information on this form and any attached documents is accurate, and; 2) that I have read and understand the LSA Finance Committee Funding Evaluation Guidelines. Name of Organization President or TreasurerSignature of Organization President or Treasurer     '();OPQ     ! # 8 : Y [ m q  = @ o q G J t  Ϳh hY}>*CJOJQJhY}5CJOJQJhY}CJOJQJh{|hY}CJOJQJh{|hY}5CJOJQJhY}h7hY}CJOJQJhY}5OJQJhY}5;OJQJh4phY}5;OJQJ8)PQh i      j|kd$$Ifl=0z`'&& t0'644 la $IfgdY}gdY}$a$gdY}   ! 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