Susan Orsega

Rear Admiral Susan Orsega, chief nurse officer in the U.S. Public Health Service, delivered the Connell School of Nursing's Spring 2018 Pinnacle Lecture. (Lee Pellegrini)

鈥淣urse leaders are compassionate and innovative, and we鈥檙e thought-provocative leaders in health care,鈥 said Rear Admiral Susan Orsega, chief nurse officer of the U.S. Public Health Service, speaking at the Connell School of Nursing鈥檚 Spring Pinnacle Lecture. 鈥淚t鈥檚 our time now to make a transformative contribution. We can be the linchpin for improving health in populations across the nation and across the world.鈥

Orsega, whose career in the U.S. Public Health Service spans more than 25 years, talked about the agency鈥檚 mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. She leads the USPHS鈥檚 nurse officers whose assignments are predicated on public health. Their work is in clinical practice, policy, and programs, focusing on vulnerable populations and health inequities.

Orsega said it is critical for nurses to look at social, economic, and environmental factors that can impact their patients鈥 health, specifically how and where patients live, play, work, and learn. 鈥淣urses can, and do, play a pivotal role in impacting those spaces that are outside the health sector. We can lead the way.

鈥淲e have to be nimble engineers,鈥 she added. 鈥淲e are positioned鈥攂ecause we are solution-driven鈥攖o work as leaders in all different sectors.鈥

She challenged the nurses in the audience鈥攊ncluding faculty, students, alumni and preceptors鈥攖o think innovatively about ways to address health disparities and to help their patients improve their health, whether it is helping a community have better food options at their local market or seeing patients for walking meetings.

鈥淣urses have an opportunity to influence change, but we have to raise our voices,鈥 she said.

听鈥淚 do believe that our [USPHS] goal is to create a culture in a world where good health is in the reach of every person. We are there to rebuild the communities in our day-to-day assignments and also to rebuild the communities in times of disasters.鈥

USPHS nurse officers are deployed at times of federal and international disasters 鈥攁bout 360 times over the past decade, according to Orsega, whose disaster care experience includes deployment on an elite medical team after 9/11 as well as 13 other national and international disaster/humanitarian missions.

鈥淣urses have capability鈥攚hich is capacity and ability,鈥 she said. 鈥淭he capacity is the tools, technology, and knowledge, and the ability is the talent and teamwork. The common thread that binds all of us is advancing the health.鈥

Each semester, the Connell School of Nursing hosts a Pinnacle Lecture which brings a widely recognized nurse leader to campus to speak on an issue at the forefront of health care. The spring lecture was held on April 30; the next event, on Oct. 16, will feature Lorna Finnegan, president of the board of directors at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties and executive associate dean at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing.

鈥擪athleen Sullivan | University Communications | May 2018