
The predecessor of the University Council on Learning Outcomes (UCLO) was the Assessment Report Development Committee. This task force of faculty and administrators, appointed by the President of Boston College (2007), was charged with developing a university-wide framework for assessing student learning outcomes in response to a request by the university’s regional accreditor, the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (CIHE/NEASC). The framework, and progress on its implementation, was subsequently included in Boston College’s Interim Report (2012) and Institutional Report (2017) to CIHE/NEASC; both iterations were met with approval. With this generalized assessment process in place, in 2018 the Assessment Report Development Committee transitioned to the University Council on Learning Outcomes, reflective of the institution’s progress in advancing assessment practices campus-wide.


The charge of the University Council on Learning Outcomes (UCLO) is twofold: to supportBoston College with its assessment-related accreditation obligations and to foster academicand co-curricular assessment for student learning.

Assessment and Accreditation

The UCLO monitors the development and implementation of assessment plans in the areasof: the Core curriculum, academic programs, student affairs, and mission and ministry so thatcompliance is maintained with regional (i.e., the New England Commission of HigherEducation, NECHE), specialized, and professional program accreditors. This functioninvolves:

  • Ensuring that campus units have a thoughtfully prepared assessment plan (e.g.,NECHE’s E1A form) that documents learning outcomes and periodic “closing the loop”updates;
  • Confirming that learning outcomes are presented for all applicable programs on theBoston College website;
  • Interpreting NECHE’s accreditation standards and policy related to assessment (e.g.,NECHE Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness).

Assessment for Student Learning

The UCLO supports faculty and staff with the development and implementation ofassessment plans to promote continuous improvement and learning. This function involves:

  • Supporting assessment plan (e.g., E1A form) development and implementation byreviewing plans and providing formative feedback;
  • Recommending institutional assessment procedures and policies that facilitateassessment activities and encourage the campus’ ever-developing culture ofassessment;
  • Facilitating the acquisition of assessment-related resources (e.g., grants, nationalassessment experts/consultants, professional development opportunities) to furtherassessment capacity building;
  • Preparing an annual institutional update on assessment activities which serves todocument assessment efforts annually and inform the University’s President, Provostand Dean of Faculties, Vice President for University Mission and Ministry, and VicePresident for Student Affairs;
  • Foster the exchange of information on all types of assessment: best practices,innovative approaches, pilot-phase experiments/modes of inquiry.

Committee members are nominated by their area’s leadership (e.g., dean or vice president) and appointed by the University Council on Learning Outcomes (UCLO) Steering Committee. The goal of all appointments is to yield a rotating membership, representative of Boston College’s academic and co-curricular units. Members are committed to contributing to continuous quality improvement work using assessment results.

Generally, membership on the UCLO Steering Committee (and/or an occasional affiliate committee), entails:

  • Supporting units with the development of learning outcomes and an assessment plan (e.g., E1A form);
  • Ensuring compliance, progress/completion, and integrity of assessment processes;
  • Regular attendance at meetings;
  • Substantive communication ("reporting out") of area assessment activities;
  • Contribution to the annual report which describes, in brief, the academic year's assessment activities in one’s area and recommendations in support of institutional level assessment planning and initiatives at Boston College.


Committee members are nominated by their area’s leadership (e.g., dean or vice president) and appointed by the University Council on Learning Outcomes (UCLO) Steering Committee. The goal of all appointments is to yield a rotating membership, representative of Boston College’s academic and co-curricular units. Members are committed to contributing to continuous quality improvement work using assessment results.

Generally, membership on the UCLO Steering Committee (and/or an occasional affiliate committee), entails:

  • Supporting units with the development of learning outcomes and an assessment plan (e.g., E1A form);
  • Ensuring compliance, progress/completion, and integrity of assessment processes;
  • Regular attendance at meetings;
  • Substantive communication ("reporting out") of area assessment activities;
  • Contribution to the annual report which describes, in brief, the academic year's assessment activities in one’s area and recommendations in support of institutional level assessment planning and initiatives at Boston College.

UCLO Steering Committee Members, AY23-24

Name Area Term Start Term End
Biz Bracher Morrissey College Sept 2021 May 2024
Margaret Cohen University Libraries Sept 2021 May 2024
Kate Daly Mission & Ministry Sept 2022
May 2025
Ali Erol Morrissey College Sept 2023 May 2026
Jess Greene, co-chair Provost’s Office Ongoing Ongoing
Stacy Grooters CTE Sept 2023 May 2026
Candace Hetzner Morrissey College Sept 2023 May 2026
Alica LaPolla
Messina College
Sept 2023 May 2026
Peter Martin, co-chair President’s Office Sept 2019 Ongoing
Tom Mogan Morrissey College Sept 2022 May 2025
Elizabeth Shlala Core Curriculum Sept 2021 May 2024
Melinda Stoops Student Affairs Sept 2023 May 2026