Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards Available to Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors


Chemical Rubber Co. (CRC) Handbook Award
This award is given to two outstanding freshman chemistry students in each incoming class, based on performance in General Chemistry and in the honors course, Principles of Modern Chemistry.

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors

The American Chemical Society Minority Scholars Program
The program is designed to encourage AHANA students to pursue college degrees in the chemical sciences. Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors intending to or already majoring in chemistry or biochemistry. In addition to having an overall grade point average of B or better, successful candidates will have leadership skills and evidence of participation in extracurricular activities and community service. A commitment to the study of chemistry or biochemistry is essential. The deadline for nomination is in February.

Sophomores and Juniors

Goldwater Scholarship
The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation is authorized to award undergraduate scholarships to eligible students for study in mathematics and the natural sciences as preparation for careers in these areas. Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books, and room and board, up to a maximum of $7,000 annually. A statement of interest in a career in mathematics or the natural sciences, detailing how their academic program and their overall educational plans will prepare them for their chosen career goal is required of each applicant. It is expected that students selected as scholars will pursue advanced degrees. Students who plan to study medicine are eligible for a Goldwater scholarship only if they plan a medical research career. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the Goldwater Foundation for application details. The deadline for nomination is in December.

The James Flack Norris and Theodore William Richards Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarships
The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society established these undergraduate summer scholarships to honor the memories of Professors Norris and Richards by promoting research interactions between undergraduate students and faculty A stipend is provided for a minimum commitment of ten weeks of full-time research work. The undergraduate student must be a chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or molecular biology major in good standing, and have completed at least two full years of college-level chemistry by the summer that the award is received. Application forms are available from departmental chairs. See your faculty research advisor. The deadline for application is in March.


UNCF Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship The awards are intended to encourage the interest of African-American undergraduate students in furthering their science education and pursuing science careers by providing tuition support and opportunities for research experience in a state-of-the-art industrial laboratory. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.3, both cumulative and in the major subjects. Each award is up to a maximum of $35,000 that consists of a scholarship award of up to $15,000: two summer internship stipends at a Merck research facility to the award recipient totaling $10,000; and a grant of up to $10,000 to the department of the award recipient's major subject. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the UNCF Merck Company Foundation for application details. The deadline for nomination is in February.


The Chemistry Department presents a Merck Index Book Award each spring to an outstanding graduating senior.

The Boston College Excellence in Chemistry Award An outstanding senior chemistry major is selected each spring to receive this award.

McCarthy Award Boston College presents an award for the outstanding Scholar of the College project each year.

Churchill Scholarship The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States awards approximately ten scholarships for graduate study in chemistry at Churchill College, Cambridge University, England. All tuition and fees, a $5,000 - 6,000 living allowance and a $500 travel allowance are included in the award. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the Churchill Foundation for application details. The deadline for nomination is in November.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships (NSF Graduate Fellowships and NSF Minority Graduate Fellowships) NSF graduate fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of their graduate study in science, mathematics, or engineering. In most cases an individual has two opportunities to apply: during the senior year of college and in the first year of graduate school. The NSF fellowships are for maximum tenure periods of three years usable over a five-year period. See your faculty advisor for application details. The deadlines for application are in November for Part I and December for Part II.

DoD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program The Department of Defense awards three-year graduate fellowships to individuals who have demonstrated ability and special aptitude for advanced training in chemistry and biosciences. The fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of graduate study leading to the Ph.D. degree. Applicants must have received their baccalaureate degrees by fall of the year in which they apply. Ten percent of these awards are set aside for members of ethnic minority groups. The evaluation of applicants is based on all available evidence of ability, including academic records, personal statements, recommendations, and Graduate Record Examination scores. See your faculty advisor for application details. The deadline for application is in January.

National Physical Science Consortium Fellowships The NPSC Graduate Fellowship Program is intended for women and minorities in the physical sciences. The program is administered by a consortium of industrial and national laboratories. Seniors and first year graduate students may apply. The awards run for 6 full years: $10,000/year for years 1 and 2, $12,500/yr for years 3 and 4, $15,000/yr for years 5 and 6. See your faculty advisor for application details. The deadline for application is in January.

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowships Graduate fellowships in the applied natural sciences are awarded at selected American Graduate Programs. Qualified applicants will be interviewed. The deadline for application is in November.

Lyons Fellowship for Graduate Study at M.I.T. This fellowship is exclusively for BC graduates who attend graduate school at MIT Therefore, any BC student who is accepted to MIT has an excellent chance of getting this award. Apply to MIT graduate program and write directly to the Dean at MIT expressing your interest. See Dean Petri for more information.

Ford Minority Doctoral Scholarship The goal of the Ford program is to increase the presence of underrepresented minorities on American college and university faculties. Forty predoctoral fellowships and ten dissertation fellowships will be awarded in a national competition conducted by the National Research Council on behalf of the Ford Foundation. Annual stipends for the predoctoral fellowships include $11,500 to the fellow and $6,000 to the fellowship institution, while stipends for the dissertation fellowships are $18,000. Complete preliminary application available in Gasson 109. See Dean Burns (ext. 2-3272) for information. The deadline for application for Part I is in November; for Part II in December.

Marshall Scholarships For graduate study overseas. Information is available in Higgins 561. All application materials must be submitted to Professor Uritam (Higgins 561, ext. 2-8471) for nomination. The deadline for application is October 1.

Rhodes Scholarships For graduate study at Oxford University. Complete the application available in McGuinn 335 and submit it directly to the State Secretary of the Rhodes Committee. Contact Professor Hafner for information (McGuinn 335, ext 2-4173). The deadline for application is in October.